Trials of Trixy Theresa

Monday, November 21, 2005

Walking bow-legged

This is the first chance I've had to get to the computer and write to my new blog since Friday.

Well, what can I say, Colin was back and I had to welcome him properly, didn't I? LOL We weren't out too late on Friday, though that wasn't because of the cold. It was off back to my place for some quite spectacular bedroom gymnastics. God, that felt good! You know they say that it isn't the size of a man's cock that matters but what he does with it? Well, it's half true, but Colin's is just the right size and he really does know what to do with it... and his tongue :) If I woke Sabby up she wasn't saying, though she could sleep through a volcano which is probably just as well.

So, we didn't get up most of Saturday and then we were together all Sunday. Today was back to reality, back to boring old work. Though, if all goes according to plan, I'll be riding Colin again on Thursday.

Can't wait.


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