Trials of Trixy Theresa

Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th part 47

After ages bitching about it I've finally decided to find somewhere else to work. Won't quit my current job until I've landed a new one, but it shouldn't be too hard to move on. I'm currently at home throwing a sickie. Nothing to do with it being Friday the 13th, never did believe any of that malarky anyway. Just want a long weekend.

Anyway, I'm trying to stay away from the larger stores if possible for my new job. Chances are I'd end up in much the same enviroment. So I'm looking at a couple of smaller shops with openings. Hopefully more on that soon.

I've actually added some links to the page over there on the right. The first is to What Doesn't Kill You which is a very interesting blog of what looks a fit older guy. Some of his HNK's are very nice!

The other is to a blog I discovered by random blog surfing, which I heartily recommend doing every now and then. You never know what you'll find. 'Extrordinarily Ordinary' is about a girl from the far east who has only just recently moved to the UK and married her English boyfriend. Though they're genuinely in love and she hasn't been 'bought' through the internet or something like that.

Colin and me are meeting Lisa in town later for a couple of drinks and a movie perhaps. Lisa and me have threatened to take him to see 'Brokeback Mountain' which he describes as a 'gay movie about gay guys being gay with each other'. He's no homophobe, but I do get the impression it's not his sort of movie. So we might just force him to see it anyway :)


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