Trials of Trixy Theresa

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Not Quite a Year

Okay, I'm officially ubercrap at blog posting. Still at least I haven't been AWOL a whole year.

So what's been happening? Not a hell of a lot to be honest. Well, okay me and Colin are no more. Shame, but it was a fairly amicable and mutual decision to break up. Still sharing a flat with Sabby, though it's not the same one as back when I was last posting and I'm still working in the bookshop!

That surprises me just as much as it does you (if I had any readers, which at the moment I don't coz I haven't posted for forty-five weeks). Thought I'd only do it for a few months, but it is fairly cosy. Perhaps too cosy. I should start looking again especially while I don't have to get a new job and can pick and choose.

I do have a New Years resolution this year - to exercise more. Even the idea of jogging bores me senseless, so I might try swimming on a regular basis.

Anyway, I'm back and I'm staying this time. So if I go AWOL again, you're officially allowed to spank me.

Now there's a promise! LOL!


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