Lost booze and mad, hairless Americans
Did my weekly food shop last night (yes, my life is non stop fun!). Sabby is happy to meander along looking for something new to try. I prefer to just barrel through and grab what I need and get the fuck out of there, and God help any old granny too slow to get out of the way.
Did see something very distressing last night though. The guy in front of me piled huge amounts of booze on the conveyor belt. Loads of cans and bottles. As the belt jerked forward some of thebottles tipped over and a bottle of vodka went smashing onto the floor. What a waste. I did offer to help get it off the floor with a straw, but my offer was sadly declined.
Britney Spears, eh? What a nutter!! Okay, I'm not the world's biggest follower of celebrities, especially the C-list and below that mad old Britney is sinking into. But I do like the weirder stories. The media is probably going way overboard in portraying her as a mental, and shaving her head isn't actually a sign of insanity, but she's been in and out of rehab three times this week! And the photos of her attacking a photographers car aren't helping.
I'd never shave my head myself as I'm worried I'd end up looking like Alexei Sayle, though I do think a very short style could work for me. At the moment though I prefer having it at the longer length I've worn it for the last few years. I'll never have it as long as when I was a kid. I almost never let it be cut and then I'd whine and grizzle when Mum was trying to get the knots out!
Did see something very distressing last night though. The guy in front of me piled huge amounts of booze on the conveyor belt. Loads of cans and bottles. As the belt jerked forward some of thebottles tipped over and a bottle of vodka went smashing onto the floor. What a waste. I did offer to help get it off the floor with a straw, but my offer was sadly declined.
Britney Spears, eh? What a nutter!! Okay, I'm not the world's biggest follower of celebrities, especially the C-list and below that mad old Britney is sinking into. But I do like the weirder stories. The media is probably going way overboard in portraying her as a mental, and shaving her head isn't actually a sign of insanity, but she's been in and out of rehab three times this week! And the photos of her attacking a photographers car aren't helping.
I'd never shave my head myself as I'm worried I'd end up looking like Alexei Sayle, though I do think a very short style could work for me. At the moment though I prefer having it at the longer length I've worn it for the last few years. I'll never have it as long as when I was a kid. I almost never let it be cut and then I'd whine and grizzle when Mum was trying to get the knots out!
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alex, at 1:04 AM, April 18, 2007
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...
alex, at 1:21 PM, April 22, 2007
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