Trials of Trixy Theresa

Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th part 47

After ages bitching about it I've finally decided to find somewhere else to work. Won't quit my current job until I've landed a new one, but it shouldn't be too hard to move on. I'm currently at home throwing a sickie. Nothing to do with it being Friday the 13th, never did believe any of that malarky anyway. Just want a long weekend.

Anyway, I'm trying to stay away from the larger stores if possible for my new job. Chances are I'd end up in much the same enviroment. So I'm looking at a couple of smaller shops with openings. Hopefully more on that soon.

I've actually added some links to the page over there on the right. The first is to What Doesn't Kill You which is a very interesting blog of what looks a fit older guy. Some of his HNK's are very nice!

The other is to a blog I discovered by random blog surfing, which I heartily recommend doing every now and then. You never know what you'll find. 'Extrordinarily Ordinary' is about a girl from the far east who has only just recently moved to the UK and married her English boyfriend. Though they're genuinely in love and she hasn't been 'bought' through the internet or something like that.

Colin and me are meeting Lisa in town later for a couple of drinks and a movie perhaps. Lisa and me have threatened to take him to see 'Brokeback Mountain' which he describes as a 'gay movie about gay guys being gay with each other'. He's no homophobe, but I do get the impression it's not his sort of movie. So we might just force him to see it anyway :)

Monday, January 09, 2006

Back to normality. Whatever that is.

Yeah, past time I got back to the blog. So what has happened this week?

Sod all really. Christmas seems like a distant memory, more like several months ago than several weeks. I'm back at work where things are back to its usual level. Not been fired yet, dunno if I'm happy or annoyed by that. Perhaps I should just start job hunting anyway, never going to get anywhere at that store. Specially not with Mrs Bitch Face still around.

Me and Sabby haven't talked about what happened late on New Year's Eve, and after a day or two being a little quiet around each other things have returned to normal. I don't regret the kiss, though I would if it had harmed our friendship. She's good though! LOL!

Any New Year Resolutions? Not to have any New Year Resolutions....


Anyhoo, I've got a digital camera which I should use more often, so I might take some stuff and put it up here. Not any Half Nekkid Thursday stuff though. My ego is much too fragile to put anything like that up.

Monday, January 02, 2006

A strange new year

You know, I'm glad that this is semi-anonymous. When I set up the blog I purposefully changed a few names and didn't reveal things about me that could be easily searched like my full name, my address (real or email) or my phone number. It allows me to be a little more open about what happens to me as it is highly unlikely anyone I know who'd recognise me from this will visit here.

So it allows me to tell you more about New Year's Eve. Despite the threatened tube strike me and Sabby made our way, quite easily, to the centre of London. There we hit a few pubs and got very merry. Sabby suggested this gay club she knows up there, joking we could go as a couple, but we'd have only been able to stay there for half an hour or most if we wanted to make it to the firework display. So we made our way to Westminster and that was heaving. We nearly didn't make it in time despite missing the club. Fantastic show though. Haven't enjoyed fireworks like that since I was a kid. What you don't get watching them on telly is the sound reverberating right through you. After that we found another pub (which was packed) and had another couple of drinks. Met a few very pissed people, which is fair enough as so was they, before me and Sabby headed off to her uncle's place.

By now it was about 3am and I was shattered, and Sabby wasn't much better. Her uncle's place is a bit small, but in a decent location. The bed we had was a smallish double one which I had no problem sharing with her. So we stripped to our underwear and crawled in. We giggled drunkenly for a bit and then I said it had been a great evening (or something like that) she agreed and put her hand on my shoulder. Next thing I know we were kissing, not a peck on the cheek thing, but a full on kiss. We never said another word, we just lay there looking at each other as we drifted off to sleep.

Neither of us mentioned it in the morning, but I'm sure she remembers as well as me. The fact I did it doesn't worry me, beyond wondering what it might do to our friendship. She is a damn good kisser though. Maybe not better than some boys I've kissed over the years, but different somehow. We haven't talked about it, and I don't think we will. I guess she's a little embarressed since she's still with Debbie and she doesn't like cheating on her. Which is fair enough to me. Won't tell Colin either, he'd be half-excited and half-threatened by it :) So it's just between you and me, okay?