Trials of Trixy Theresa

Friday, February 10, 2006

Hot porn action

So it's a slow friday. Got the day off as I'm working tomorrow instead. Still cold out, but it's nice and sunny. Not long till Spring!

So I was going through the files on how people are getting here and about half are coming through the two listings I have elsewhere and half are coming through from word searches. And what is the most searched for word?


I think I'm disapointing those who come here as I don't see much sign that anyone comes back after the first time. I suppose that I should have expected most of the searches to be porn ones. It's what I do far too often when I'm online and you should see what Sabby has on her laptop!

But I'm being a hypocrite. Why else would I complain about it while sticking in all these naughty hotwords that might bring more porn-hunters here. Words such as bum, bottom, quim, todger and felch (you do NOT want to look up the definition of that last one if you don't already know what it means).

So far the job is going fine. No stress and no unpleasentness. All I need now is a good win on the lottery (which is unlikely as I don't even play it) and I'm set for life. Having a quiet night tonight as it's work tomorrow, but I plan to let rip tomorrow evening.

Monday, February 06, 2006

The monthly blog post

I'm crap at blogging, aren't I?

It's not like I haven't had the time lately. As threatened I chucked in my old job. Had a party with the girls, well any excuse. My new job is about as different as you can get while still staying in retail. From working for a Faceless Capitalist International Store I've gone to working for a second hand bookshop. I'm getting paid almost as much for just slightly longer hours, but the most important thing is the stress. Or lack thereof. There's no other staff to chat to except the owner or his wife but I can have the radio on to the channel I like as long as I don't have it so loud the windows rattle.

Probably be terminally bored in three months but for now it is bliss!

Sabby dropped by on Thursday asking for any Lesbian Erotica. I did look with her, but we couldn't find any. I had to almost physically restrain her from asking the owner loudly for some of her favourite (made up) titles. Managed to stop her as I'd rather not be considered a loony by the boss for the first month at least.

Talking of Sabby someone got to this blog by searching for "Sabby's cock". Whoever it was was probably disapointed as she hasn't got one. But that conjoured up a very strange mental image I can tell you! LOL!

I frankly don't have much else to report. Colin has been around for quite a bit the last couple of weeks so that means I've either had my legs wrapped around him or down the pub getting drunk. I'm wearing the poor boy out, but what a way to go, eh?