Trials of Trixy Theresa

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Sabby's revenge

Sabby is getting her own back for the weekend :) She probably isn't being as loud as I was, but it's keeping me worked up alone here in bedroom next to hers. Though it's fair to say her partner is quite different to Colin. Doesn't have a cock to start with.

I first met Sabby at some point in college a few years back. Can't remember exactly when, but she was a friend of a friend and we sorta drifted together. She never hid her lesbianness, but she didn't push it in your face, so to speak, either. When I first found out she had a girlfriend I expected her to be one of those butch, fat, shaven head types (yeah, it's a terrible stereotype. Sorry), but Debbie was just as feminine as Sabby is. Sabby's parents seem okay with it, I know of others who wouldn't cope with that news. They're still hopeful of being grandparents and they're always giving Sabby newspaper cuttings about science advancements that let two women be the genetic parents of a baby and stuff like that. Not exactly subtle, are they!

I tried to play it all cool when Sabby and Debbie would kiss while around me or give each other lovers' looks, but I don't think I pulled it off. I'd never known an honest to God living breathing lesbian before! Still, I've got used to it these days, but I've got to make one admission I'd never tell Debbie or Sabby. Those muffled moans, giggles and flesh on flesh noises from the next room is turning me on something rotten. Sometimes I fantasize that they offer to have a threesome with me. I'd run a mile in a minute if they ever did! LOL But there's nothing wrong with illicit fantasies like that, is there?

Before I go to bed for a bit of a 'fiddle' I'll just tell you I'm getting seriously pissed off with work. The bitch who's in charge of my section has been on my back all week. I know it's her job to get the girls under her to work, but she's snide and sarcastic about it as well. I'd love to be able to tell her where to shove it, but I really need to start looking into other job possibilities first. Plenty of temporary jobs with Christmas around the corner, but I want something that last beyond the 1st January.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Walking bow-legged

This is the first chance I've had to get to the computer and write to my new blog since Friday.

Well, what can I say, Colin was back and I had to welcome him properly, didn't I? LOL We weren't out too late on Friday, though that wasn't because of the cold. It was off back to my place for some quite spectacular bedroom gymnastics. God, that felt good! You know they say that it isn't the size of a man's cock that matters but what he does with it? Well, it's half true, but Colin's is just the right size and he really does know what to do with it... and his tongue :) If I woke Sabby up she wasn't saying, though she could sleep through a volcano which is probably just as well.

So, we didn't get up most of Saturday and then we were together all Sunday. Today was back to reality, back to boring old work. Though, if all goes according to plan, I'll be riding Colin again on Thursday.

Can't wait.

Friday, November 18, 2005


Yes, it is the morning. Had a few hours sleep, but had to get up in the end. Called in sick to work, don't think they were too happy about it, but it would have been worse if I had gone in. I'm in a fragile state, but not feeling too hungover. Though I think that's due to the fact that I'm still somewhat drunk. Sabby still hasn't emerged from her room, though I've heard some groaning so I think she's still alive.

So I'll spend the day with the heating turned up lounging around in just my dressing gown and by tonight I'll be ready to go out for the evening. It's a friday, it's the law! Anyway, Colin should be back tonight and I want to welcome him back.

Last night was the usual fun. Caught up with Lisa's gossip and scurilous rumours. There's a new reality show coming apparently I want to watch. Forget 'I'm a Celebrity' hello 'Space Cadets'. The idea behind this new one is they find the biggest bunch of dullards and try and convince them they've been shot into space when in fact they're still stuck in a movie studio. Can't believe they'll be able to pull it off, but it will be fun watching them try.

We finished the evening comparing boobs. Sabby won on size, but mine are perkier so therefore I win. Time for a bath I think. Catch you later!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Um... Hi there!

Yeah, well I had to get one of these things. Hate to look back years from now and not remember all the little stuff that made life so enjoyable.

So, hi there, future Theresa! This is a record of all the fun you got up to and the people you did it with. Assuming I don't lose interest in a week and wander away.

Anyway, this is enough for a start. Off out with Sabby and Lisa tonight so I expect I'll be the worse for wear come the morning. I certainly hope to be :)